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why didn't dumbledore kill voldemort


from hp lexicon. As well, it was an act of mercy, as Dumbledore was already dying, from the curse he received because of the Ring. 9 Jan 16, changed the first chapter, so when I do add the second it might not make sense unless you read the first again. Get to know his younger self, Tom Riddle, a little better. Also, Dumbledore was the one who pleaded to Snape to kill him coz he was dying anyway because of the curse he has on his blackened arm. He asked Snape to help him end his suffering when the time came. Voldemort truly believed that because Snape had killed Dumbledore, the elder wand's true allegiance lies with him. It was all because Snape is in . That was no ordinary cut. Voldemort decided to kill this boy, and he killed Harry's parents first. however, even if snape truly had murdered dumbledore, it wouldn't have made any difference; snape didn't get to the astronomy tower fast enough. That's why he put his faith in the prophecy. I dont like how she killed sirius but I like her laugh and stuff shes awesome so yeah. A: Killed Bellatrix and the other death eaters to diminish Voldy's forces; making it easier for the hogwarts army to hold out and potentially reduce the death count of students and order members. As great of a wizard as Snape was, Voldemort was infinitely more powerful. Wiki . The duel. Harry explains to Voldemort why the wand won't kill him. He cut off Nagini`s head, and she was- at the time- thought to be the last Horcrux, until the twist revealed it to be Harry himself. And Harry was the true master of the Elder Wand. 1. Dumbledore is the only person Voldemort was ever scared of, Voldemort never came face-to-face with Dumbledore and by the time Voldemort was in a position to be killed Dumbledore was dead. Well i believe that Accio is used to find objects or rather a non living thing…Also If it would be that easy…..The ministry or could have just "Accioed" Voldemort and send the killing curse on him/sent him to . First of all, Voldemort didn't kill Harry because he inadvertently made a backup of Harry by taking his blood in Goblet of Fire. "Time-Turners don't go back that far" does not answer the question. However, I think the reason why Dumbledore chose to remain at bay regarding Voldemort was mainly because: 1) Voldemort, like Dumbledore, embarked on a quest to learn more about magic (particularly Dark Arts) and was thereby dangerous because he had delved much too far into its history to satisfy his self interests; and Of himself. 15 Things You Didn't Know About Tom Riddle (Before He Was Voldemort) Harry Potter's nemesis Voldemort . But he failed in killing Harry. One, it would be to no avail. So basically: Snape killed Dumbledore because Dumbledore was already dying because he wore the Gaunt's ring, which is a Horcrux and has a really terrible curse thus making him so weak that he got only a year left to live. 14 He Lied To Harry. So, Voldemort must kill Snape for the wand's allegiance to switch. Even then, he was still absolutely willing to bring Harry up and let him go . Either the curse would rebound (which is probably what Voldermort was hoping to achieve by using Harry's blood), or Voldermort would be reduced back to vapour, but could still come back, as he did the first time. Dumbledore might have asked Lily and James Potter to go into hiding which would have aroused Lord Voldemort's suspicion. I do think 1 v 1, Dumbledore would beat Voldemort. Dumbledore may have had some way of ascertaining this before Hagrid gets there. Why did the elder wand didn't work for Voldemort? Snape killed Dumbledore because he thought he was a dottering old fool, (as I noticed a few times throughout the books that he hinted in that direction.) When Voldemort threw the curse at Harry in the forest, the curse killed the only part of Harry that wasn't really Harry--the bit of Voldemort's soul inside him. He is probably a killer, certainly a betrayer of two of the people Dumbledore loved most, and the man who had sent Voldemort after an innocent child in the knowledge that Voldemort would kill him. 3. Summary: After Voldemort is dead, who is the real Dark Lord now? He concludes that, because Snape killed Dumbledore, the Elder Wand belongs to him. Dumbledore knew that the killing curse against Voldermort wouldn't work. Why didnt Dumbledore kill Voldemort in Order of the Phoenix? In this video, we're going to be discussing Harry, Dumbledore, Voldemort, and the epic du. 2. And it won't kill its own master. albus dumbledore's death was planned between snape. Not of Voldemort. He acts evil on Dumbledore's orders. Dumbledore also knew that Draco Malfoy had been ordered by Voldemort to kill him, or Voldemort would kill him and his family. Snape isn't evil. Accio is used for summoning non living things not living things and Harry is a living being not a non loving being. The prophecy was made by Professor Sybill Trelawney, an old and very wise witch. If Voldemort didn't kill the whole family, then he must have been killed or driven away somehow, though the details are unclear. Dumbledore knew Harry was going to have to die eventually. Snape killed Dumbledore simply to keep his vow to Narcissa because Draco obviously wasn't able to kill Dumbledore. He says: because Voldemort took Harry's blood to recreate his body, Lily . Firstly, because he had to keep a promise he had given Dumbledore earlier. Furthermore, Dumbledore knew that Voldemort had ordered Draco Malfoy to kill him, and he wanted Snape to do it so that Draco wouldn't have to. The biggest reason is that he couldn't. Tom Riddle made his first Horcrux at the age of 16, after opening the Chamber of Secrets. Voldemort's meeting with Grindelwald in the books was slightly different in the films. It . Hey everyone,Welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory. In the Deathly Hallows book, Harry's mind was still connected to Voldemort, and he was able to see Grindelwald in Nurmengard prison through Voldemort's eyes.Voldemort demanded to know where the wand was, but Grindelwald taunted him by saying that the wand would never be his, welcoming Voldemort to kill him . Dumbledore was the mightiest wizard of his day. Then Snape would have died in an instant. So, Snape killed Dumbledore but he didn't cause his death. He did this because he believed that Snape was the master of the Elder Wand since Snape had killed Albus Dumbledore. Sure, he knew he might be able to bounce back from it because of the Horcrux but ultimately, it was a totally untested theory because it had never been done before. Lily's sacrifice. He couldn't harm Voldemort in any way, and even if he did, it would only turn out worse for him and the good side. But why didn't he kill Snape with The killing Curse instead of having Nagini kill him?. In the movie, he did the wizard-battle equivalent of "making an assist". Well, because he had a lot of stuff to explain before he did. Answer (1 of 9): Voldemort wanted Dumbledore dead; in fact, that was one of his deepest desires. So why not make them go back that far? . Via: TheOdysseyOnline. Snape showed his loyalty to Dumbledore in killing him and granted him the mercy of sparing him a long, painful death. By . Voldemort knew he couldn't cast Avada Kedavra with the Elder Want to kill its master, so he ordered Nagini to do it. The problem with Dumbledore's Army isn't the fic itself, and that generally isn't why people criticize it. Voldemort wanted to kill Harry Potter because of a prophecy that claimed a boy whose powers would be the end of Voldemort. 2. Snape showed his loyalty to Dumbledore in killing him and granted him the mercy of sparing him a long, painful death. Voldemort did not intend to kill Lily, even giving her a chance to get out of the way as he moved to attack Harry; she could have lived and yet she chose to protect her son.In doing so, she unknowingly gave Harry a level of protection Voldemort couldn't touch. This is the only explanation for You-Know-Who to use Nagini for killing Snape. There are a few reasons why Snape didn't fight when Voldemort attacked him. 5 He Couldn't Just Shut Up And Kill Harry It's one thing that Lord Voldemort banned all of his followers from actually killing Harry Potter, but it's quite another that Voldemort had half a dozen opportunities to kill Harry himself but he didn't. And why didn't he, you may ask? Please watch: "The Life Of Marius de Romanus (Vampire Chronicles)" --~--The duel between Albus Dumbledore and Lor. After Voldemort missed Dumbledore, Dumbledore then sent a powerful spell at Voldemort, one which the Dark Lord was forced to block with a physical Silver shield; the spell did not harm the shield, but made a deep gong-like sound as it was deflected.Voldemort realised from the non-lethal nature of the spell that Dumbledore never meant to kill him, and, surprised, tried once again to . the elder wand didn't work for voldemort because he wasn't the true owner . He was afraid. He built wondrous magical objects and tools, such as the Deluminator. Furthermore, Dumbledore knew that Voldemort had ordered Draco Malfoy to kill him, and he wanted Snape to do it so that Draco wouldn't have to. Snape bore the burden so Draco wouldn't have to. That wand is special--it was created by Death. 'All this long night, when I am on the brink of victory, I have sat here,' said Voldemort, his voice barely louder than a whisper, 'wondering, wondering, why the Elder Wand refuses to be what it ought to be, refuses to perform as legend says it must perform for its rightful owner … and I think I have the answer.''The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly, Severus, because I am not . Why Did Voldemort Want To Kill Harry Potter His past and history in the Harry Potter universe played a crucial role in his transformation into Lord Voldemort. So, Neville certainly made Voldemort more vulnerable, but no, he didn`t kill Voldemort. . Dumbledore didn't take direct action against Voldemort during the First Wizarding War for one simple reason. Harry Potter's nemesis Voldemort has been evil since day one. But unlike against Grindelwand, Voldemort isn't out to show off his power against Dumbledore. So Snape wouldn't have been able to give Harry the information that Harry was a horcrux- so Harry wouldn't have wanted to die and so this would have been . Lord Voldemort didn't kill Snape he ordered his snake to. Even then, he was still absolutely willing to bring Harry up and let him go . Sure, he knew he might be able to bounce back from it because of the Horcrux but ultimately, it was a totally untested theory because it had never been done before. Dumbledore probably didn't know about the horcruxes, but he probably knew killing Voldemort 1 v 1 was difficult. What happens when Harry protects the Death Eaters? Actually, he didn't want to kill Dumbledore but he had to do it. That is why Dumbledore told Snape to tell Harry that it is very important that Voldemort, and only Voldemort could "kill" Harry, because the magic that bound them together. 14 He Lied To Harry. Unless Dumbeldore knew about the Horcruxes then (he didn't) and knew how to find and destroy them (unlikely), he couldn't have killed the Dark Lord. Time-Turners are completely fictional, so they can do whatever Rowling wants. First of all, he considered him to be the extremely dangerous for his plans and at the same time the only one that mattered next to himself—all others he viewed like scum, as if they were faceless and. Everyone goes by the explanation in Deathly Hallows given by Dumbledore as to why Harry didn't die at the end of the book. Dumbledore awaited him with news that he'd successfully killed off the part of Voldemort that remained inside of him in the process of dying, and that he had a choice to board a train back to the . He has a brother? Summary: The first fanfiction that I would recommend would be called "Dumbledore's Army: The Year of Darkness." This is basically a tale of Neville's transformation from lowest in class to general of the army in the Battle of Hogwarts. Copy. But either way, he is surely mindful of the prophecy. That's what yeh get when a powerful, evil curse touches yeh — took care of yer mum an' dad an' yer house, even — but it didn't work on you, an' that's why yer famous, Harry." — Rubeus Hagrid describing the attack. TL;DR: They didn't use the Time-Turner to defeat Voldemort because it would have been narratively unsatisfying. He believed that the elder wand would fail to betray it's true master, which according to Voldemort, was Severus Snape. In the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 movie, Voldemort kills Snape because of a misconception. Im a HUGE harry potter fan too. Via: TheOdysseyOnline. 2 Answers. He knew Draco might hesitate and not be able to do it. Best Answer. There are two possible explanations as to why the Lord Voldemort didn't try to kill Neville Longbottom along with Harry Potter. Dumbledore knew Harry was going to have to die eventually. He asked Snape to help him end his suffering when the time came. The ring cursed Dumbledore, leaving his hand looking blackened and dead as it spread. He had the most brilliant magical mind of his age. Dumbledore also feared that there was a chance Draco would kill him, and that would push him over to the dark side. We later learned that Snape had managed to limit the curse, although it was too late to save Dumbledore's . (See the Weasleys' clock, for example.) It is also possible that Harry had been chosen by Dumbledore for Lord Voldemort. He was once a death eater but he went over to the good side even before Voldemort's fall when he tried to kill Harry.

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why didn't dumbledore kill voldemort